Haus der Jagd
The House of Hunting, built in 2004 by the Rhineland-Palatinate Hunting Association Bitburg-Prüm District Group(, presents the wildlife of the region and the development of hunting from pure food hunting in the Stone Age to modern hunting in the modern era.
In the House of Hunting you can...
- learn about the development of hunting since the Stone Age
- discover interesting details about the local wildlife
- learn about hunting in the region and its interrelationships with the region
- critically examine a controversial topic and form your own opinion.
From Stone Age hunters to hunters and keepers
Before humans settled down in the Neolithic period and began to farm and raise livestock, they lived as hunters and gatherers for thousands of years. Survival without hunting was not possible at all. Throughout the history of mankind, hunting has been motivated by different reasons: economic and ecological reasons, social representation, leisure activities. Learn about the role of hunting through the centuries up to its current - often controversial - role as a conservationist.
The wildlife of the region
Many species of our native fauna are nocturnal or so shy that they are rarely seen. Here you can experience some typical animal species of the Eifel forest - from the rare wildcat to common species such as the fox, badger, wild boar and many others - and learn many interesting details about these animals.