Kunst- und Skulpturengarten
Those who travel to the Eifel usually do so with the aim of experiencing and enjoying nature in its purest form. "Nobody is really looking for art here," admits Heidemarie Knopp herself. Together with her husband, she has spent around 25 years building and developing something that is unparalleled in the southern Eifel. In the Knopp family's art and sculpture garden, the untouched landscape of the Raden and Michelbach valleys merge with sculptures, installations and small exhibition pavilions that blend organically into the sloping natural terrain. The art on display consists almost exclusively of works by Heinz (Tobbi) Knopp, which are created with his characteristic wit and special inspiration. Stylistically, his multifaceted work can hardly be categorized. The term "fairytale surrealism" is the best way to describe his works made of papier-mâché, wood, metal and various recycled materials. The Knopp art and sculpture garden is a must for every nature and culture lover! Heidemarie Knopp is happy to guide interested art and nature lovers through her husband's work and the idyllic garden by appointment.
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