„Schwarzbildchen“ zu Neuerburg
According to legend, Knight Kuno von Falkenstein sought shelter here from his rival from Vianden. St. Mary then showed him this hollow tree in which he could hide. A 46 cm tall Madonna, a replica of the 17th century Altötting Madonna, stands in a 700-year-old oak tree as a memorial. Age and candle smoke have turned the statue of the Madonna dark brown, almost black. Stations of the Seven Sorrows of Mary, created by sculptor J. Hess in the 19th century, lead to this lonely pilgrimage site.
Further interesting details about the town of Neuerburg can also be found at www.neuerburg-eifel.de.
The "Schwarzbildchen" and many other cultural highlights of Neuerburg can be found on the "Neuerburg Castle Trail" of the NaturwanderPark Delux can be explored.