Felsen erleben, © Dominik Ketz - www.naturwanderpark.eu

Hiking routes through the devil's gorge

Travelling along the devil's paths and experiencing many more devilishly beautiful hikes

Easy tours for families with children, half-day and day tours or a challenging hike on the premium trail of the NaturWanderPark delux - everyone will find a suitable route through and around the Devil's Gorge. The nature experience is guaranteed on every one of them!

Tip: Become a listening tourist! There are entertaining audio guides, so-called eavesdropping tours, with interesting background information for the Devil's Gorge and the Dinosaur Park. All information - including other audio tours in the Felsenland - and a link to the app can be found here.

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Hinunter in die Teufelsschlucht auf der Teuflischen Acht, © Felsenland Südeifel Tourismus GmbH

The "Devil's Eight"

Lenght: 6 km
Route: Visitor Centre Teufelsschlucht, Ernzen to Visitor Centre Teufelsschlucht, Ernzen
Difficulty: medium

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Great circular trail "Teufelsschlucht" (Devil's Gorge)

Lenght: 3.5 km
Route: Visitor Centre Teufelsschlucht, Ernzen to Visitor Centre Teufelsschlucht, Ernzen
Difficulty: medium

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Short circular trail "Teufelsschlucht" (Devil's Gorge)

Lenght: 1.6 km
Route: Visitor Centre Teufelsschlucht, Ernzen to Visitor Centre Teufelsschlucht, Ernzen
Difficulty: medium

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Felsen in der Teufelsschlucht, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, D. Ketz

Felsenweg 6 - Teufelsschlucht

Lenght: 17.4 km
Route: Parking Ernzen, Felsenweiher to Parking Ernzen, Felsenweiher
Difficulty: medium

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viewpoint-route-devil-gorge-dominik-ketz, © Dominik Ketz

Audiotour Teufelsschlucht

Difficulty: medium

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