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Römische Villa Holsthum - auf den Spuren der Römer, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, D. Ketz

Roman villa Holsthum


This is how luxurious Roman lords of the manor lived in the beautiful southern Eifel. And they even minted coins. Not counterfeit money, is it? Take a trip there!.

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Neuerburg aus der Luft, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, Dominik Ketz

Historische Altstadt Neuerburg


The picturesque old town in the Enz Valley offers a special atmosphere with its winding alleys, the castle, and numerous other nature and cultural attractions.


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Außenansicht Schloss Niederweis, © Felsenland Südeifel Tourismus GmbH, AC Krebs

Schloss Niederweis


The Baroque Country Estate of Baron von der Heyden.

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Irreler Wasserfälle mit Hängebrücke, © Felsenland Südeifel Tourismus GmbH

"Irreler Wasserfälle" (Waterfalls of Irrel)


The rapids of the Prüm, known as the "Irrel Waterfalls", remain a fascinating natural spectacle even after the flood disaster of 2021. Crossing the river is once again possible via the new suspension bridge.

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